Saturday, May 25, 2013

Weird, Wet & how Windy

Not that easy to find other musicians to play with in Montpellier. Maybe the result of being too independent or just to particular when it comes to not accepting the mediocre execution of rendering a song perfect. So many questions.... So many potential answers.

How windy has it been just recently - great for kiting and sailing enthusiasts, I love it.

Thanks to the Dragons du Cœur for allowing me to entertain at their aperitif and luncheon of the day long 'Fête de la Solidarité' you guessed it the Solidarity Party.

Great appero - shame that there was not a few more folks to creat a really swinging atmosphere - but I enjoyed it and so did the guys n gals that were present. Thanks for your support and hope to do it again in 2014.

Next event - Vernissage au Coifures du Sud le 14 juin à 19h

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Fast 'n' Furious 2013

Hi de Hi de Hi de Hi..... 2013
Well 2012 came and went in a flash.
Not a great deal of activity on the musical front for Zee Blues Monkeys but enjoyed meeting Rene Cichetti, his association of musiciens and playing a selct few dates in and around l'Herault.

2013 will be more Fast and Furious - it's the New Years Resolution...

Here's to wishing everyone near and far a Fan-Dab-Ee-Dose-Ee 2013 - perhaps we should be counting our lucky stars that the world didn't go BANG just before Christmas ;-).

Catch you at the next session.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

8 décembre 2012 - Caveau d'Heraclès, Vergèze

L'art, la Musique, la Gastronomie et le Vin - quel mélange sous le titre de l'Art.

Le Caveau d'Heraclès organise une journée gastronomique le 8 décembre en conjonction avec le Téléthon 2012 et je fais une démonstration en Stuc Vénitien, création d'un tableau qui sera vendu aux enchères pour le Téléthon. On finira la matinée avec une dégustation des vins, une sélection des produits de gastronomies locales et un peu de Blues Acoustique.

Ca commence vers 10h30 et j'espère vous voir nombreux : see you later aligator...


Art, Music, Gastronomic Delights and of course Wine - what a mix of artistic delights.

The Wine Cave of Heracles at Vergèze are hosting a gastronomic day on the 8th of December in conjuction with the Téléthon. I will be carrying out a demonstration of how I work with Venitian Stucco and in the process creating a work of art that will be sold by auction.
100% of the procedes from the auction will be donated to the Téléthon 2012.
To the round off the mornings entertainment we will be sampling wines of the Caveau d'Heraclès, local gastronmic delights together with accoustic blues sung by yours truly.

Hope to see you for a pre-christmas drink... See you later aligator.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bonne Année à Tous

Zee 2012 est déjà arrivé ...
Profitez de chaque instant tout les jours
Que le soleil brille sur ces temps qui changent
Répandre l'harmonie musicale, la paix, amour et bonheur tout au long de votre monde

Zee 2012 has arrived ...
Make every moment of every day count
May the sun shine upon these changing times
Spreading musical harmony, peace, love & happiness throughout your world

Recevez tous nos vœux pour cette belle nouvelle année et bon vent

Best wishes for this beautiful new year and of course steady winds